Lihzahrd altar should now spawn and use power cells properly.You can now craft battle potions with vertebrae.The flare gun will no longer light up when you are out of torches.You can no longer use actuators to deactivate temple blocks before killing Plantera.Slightly reduced how much memory the map requires on large worlds.Blackout debuff can no longer be removed by right clicking it.Fixed a bug with cooking marshmallows with your mouse.If you place a bed somewhere that would cause you to not spawn without breaking through blocks you will now get a message when trying to set your spawn point letting you know the bed is not in a suitable position.Shadow orb and fairy bell no longer show a duration.Pumping honey will no longer turn honey into water.

Crafting recipe for sticky glowsticks has been fixed.Chests, crystal hearts, and statues should no longer spawn on ice.Hardmode summon items will no longer drop from monsters that have been spawned from statues.Opening doors will no longer cause a room to be unsuitable.Dungeon platform item icons will now display the right color.The guide will no longer say you need 10 fallen stars to make a mana crystal.The guide will no longer say you need a hammer to break life crystals.Projectiles and harpoon should no longer cause out of memory exception.The game will no longer look for the square root of zero.